






Date:-22/6/2020                             CH—CELL WORKSHEET 1



1. Which of these options is not a function of Ribosomes?

(i) It helps in manufacture of protein molecules

(ii) It helps in manufacture of enzymes

(iii) It helps in manufacture of hormones

(iv) It helps in manufacture of starch molecules

(a) (i) and (ii)

(b) (ii) and (iii)

(c) (iii) and (iv)

(d) (iv) and (i)

2. Following are a few definitions of osmosis. Read carefully and select the correct definition

(a) Movement of water molecules from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration through a semipermeable membrane

(b) Movement of solvent molecules from its higher concentration to lower concentration

(c) Movement of solvent molecules from higher concentration to lower concentration of solution through a permeable membrane

(d) Movement of solute molecules from lower concentration to a higher concentration of solution through a semipermeable membrane

3. Which of the following are covered by a single membrane?

(a) Mitochondria

(b) Vacuole

(c) Lysosome

(d) Plastid

4. Which cell organelle plays a crucial role in detoxifying many poisons and drugs in a cell?

(a) Golgi apparatus

(b) Lysosomes

(c) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

(d) Vacuoles

5. The undefined nuclear region of prokaryotes are also known as

(a) nucleus

(b) nucleolus

(c) nucleic acid

(d) nucleoid

6. Which out of the following is not a function of vacuole?

(a) Storage

(b) Providing turgidity and rigidity to the cell

(c) Waste excretion

(d) Locomotion

Shorts questions

1. If you are provided with some vegetables to cook, you generally add salt to the vegetables during the cooking process. After adding salt, vegetables release water. What mechanism is responsible for this?

2. Write the name of different plant parts in which chromoplast, chloroplast and leucoplast are present.

3. Name the organelles which show the analogy written as under

(a) Transporting channels of the cell——

(b) Power house of the cell——

(c) Packaging and dispatching unit of the cell——

(d) Digestive bag of the cell——

(e) Storage sacs of the cell——

(f) Kitchen of the cell——

(g) Control room of the cell——

. What are the consequences of the following conditions?

(a) A cell containing higher water concentration than the surrounding medium

(b) A cell having low water concentration than the surrounding medium.

(c) A cell having equal water concentration to its surrounding medium.

6. Name the two organelles in a plant cell that contain their own genetic material and ribosomes.

7. Why are lysosomes also known as “scavengers of the cells”?

8.Why does the skin of your fingers shrink when you wash clothes for a long time?


Long answer questions

1. Differentiate between rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum.


2.a)Name and draw a cell which does not have a well defined nuclear region.Label it.

  b)Mention two ways by which a photosynthetic cell belonging to this group differs from a      .cell of your body


1.   An atom has atomic 2.   Name two elements with number 12, what is its valency and name the element?
same number of protons and neutrons?
3.   Name the isotope used for treatment of cancer.
4. What does this symbol represent?
5.   Draw the atomic structure of (i) an atom with same number of sub-atomic particles, (ii) an atom with same number of electrons in L and M shell.
6.   What is an octate? Why would atoms want to complete their octate?
7.   Find the valency of
8.   What are nucleons? What is the name given to those atoms which have same number of nucleons in it?
9.   Give the difference between three sub-atomic particles.
10.   Give the names of three atomic species of hydrogen.
Fill in the blanks:
1.  According to Maharishi Kanad, the tiniest to tiny particle of a pure substance is called _________.
2.  An atom is the smallest unit of an element which takes part in a _________.
3.  Mass of an electron is 1/1837 times less than the mass of one atom of__________.
4.  The K-shell of any atom cannot have more than _________ electrons.
5.  Isotopes are the atoms of ___________ element, having same atomic number but different mass number.
6.  An atom of an element has 11 protons 11 electrons and 12 neutrons. The atomic mass of the atom is __________.
7.  Almost all the mass of an atom is concentrated in a small region of space called the _______.
8.  The subatomic particle not present in a hydrogen atom is________.
9.  Cathode ray are a beam of fast moving ______ .
10.              ________and________ more or less complexly make up the mass of an atom.
11.              The number of neutrons in the neutrons in the neutrons of an atom can be calculated by _______ the atomic number of _______its mass number.
12.              The isotopes of an element do not differ in the number of _______ but do differ in the number of _______.
13.              The type of radiations, which are not deflected in presence of electric or magnetic field are termed as rays.
14.              The penetrating power of B-rays is_______ times more than a-rays.
15.              Synthetic elements are those which are prepared by _________.
16.              The control rods in a nuclear reactor are made up of _________.
17.              _______ are stored in deep mines which are not in use.
18.              When an elements emits B-particle, its mass number________.
19.              Y-rays are________ radiations.
20.              The difference between the actual isotopic mass and the sum of masses of protons, neutrons and electrons is called_________.
21.              _______ are the best bombarding particles.
________ is used for the treatment of leukaemia

  Sub-atomic particles of atom includes
(a) Electrons – negatively charged with charge of –1 and negligible mass.
(b) Protons – Positively charged with charge of +1 and mass is 1 u.
(c) Neutrons – Particles are with no charge and mass of 1 u.
Thomson’s model of an atom
•   Atom is electrically neutral consisting of positively charged sphere with electrons embedded in it.
•   If failed to explain the results of experiments carried out by other scientists.
Bohr’s model of an atom
•   An atom has a positively charged nucleus and electrons revolve in permitted circular orbits with fixed radii and energy.
•   Bohr explained the drawback of Rutherford’s model of an atom.
Rutherford’s model of an atom
•   He performed the α-particle scattering experiment and proposed that an atom is electrically neutral, with a positively charged nucleus having protons and neutrons and negatively charged electrons revolving around the nucleus.
Bohr-Bury scheme
•   The number of electrons that can be present in a given shell is 2n2, when ‘n’ is the number of shell.
•   Maximum number of electrons in the outermost orbit should not exceed 8.
•   The combining capacity of the atoms of an element is valency.
•   Elements having 1, 2, 3, and 4 electrons in the valence shell, has valency equal to number of electrons.
•   Elements having more than 4 electrons in the valence shell has valency equal to 8 minus the number of valence electrons.
Atomic number and mass number
•   Atomic number (z) is number of protons in one atom of an element.
•   Mass number (A) is the sum of protons and neutrons present in the atom of the element.
•   Notation for an atom
•   Isotopes are the atoms of the same element, having the some atomic number but different mass number.
•   Isotopes are useful as nuclear fuel, in medical field, in carbon dating, etc.

STD : IX                        CH- WORK ENEGRY AND POWER                       SUB : PHYSICS

Q.1   A rocket is moving up with a velocity  v . If the velocity of this rocket is suddenly  tripled , what will be the ratio of two kinetic energies ?
Q.2  Avinash can run with a speed of 8 m s-1 against the frictional force of 10 N & Kapil  can move with a speed of 3m s-1 against the frictional force of 25 N .Who is more powerful and why ?
Q.3 A boy is moving on a straight road against a frictional force of 5N.After travelling a distance of 1.5 km he forgot the correct path at a roundabout of radius 100 m .However, he moves on that circular path for one and half cycle and then he moves forward up to 2.0 km. Calculate the work done by him.
Q.4 Can any object have mechanical energy even if its momentum is zero? Explain
Q.5 Can any object have momentum even if its mechanical energy is zero? Explain.
Q.6 The power of motor pump is 2 kW, How much water per minute the pump can raise to a height at 10 m ?(Given g = 10 m s-2 )
Q.7 The weight of a person on a planet A is about half that on the earth. He can jump up to 0.4 m height on the surface of the earth . How high can he jump on the planet A ?
Q.8  The Velocity of a body moving in a straight line is increased by applying a constant force F , for some   distance in the direction of the motion . Prove that increase in the kinetic energy of the body is equal to the work done by the force on the body.
Q.9 Is it possible that an object is in the state of accelerated motion due to external force acting on it , but no work is being done by the force . Explain it with an example.
Q.10 A ball is dropped from a height of 10 m. If the energy of the ball reduces by 40% after striking the ground, how much high can the ball bounce back? (g = 10 ms-2)
Q.11 If an electric iron of 1200 W is used for 30 minutes every day, find electric energy consumed in the month of April.
Q.12 An automobile engine propels a 1000 kg car ( A ) along a leveled road at a speed of 36 km h-1 , Find the power if the opening frictional force of 100 N . Now, suppose after travelling a distance of 200 m, this car collides with another stationary car ( B ) of same mass and comes to rest . Let its engine also stop at the same time. Now car (B) starts moving on the same level road without getting its engine started. Find the speed of the car (B) just after the collision.
Q.13  A girl having mass of 35 kg sits on a trolley of mass 5 kg . The trolley is given an initial velocity of 4ms-1 by applying a force.The trolley comes to rest after covering a distance of 16 m.
a) How much work is done on the trolley?
b) How much work is done by the girl?
Q.14 Four men lift 250 kg box to a height of 1m and hold it without raising or lowering it, (a) How much work is done by the men in lifting the box?
(b) How much work do they do in just holding it?
(c) Why do they get tired while holding it ? (g= 10 ms-2)
Q.15 What is power? How do you differentiate kilowatt from kilowatt-hour? The Jog Falls in Karnataka state are nearly 20 m in high. 2000 tonnes of water falls from it in a minute.  Calculate the equivalent power if all this energy can be utilized? (g = 10 ms-2)
Q.16 How is the power related to the speed at which a body can be lifted? How many kilograms will a man working at the power of 100 W, be able to lift at constant speed of 1 ms-1 vertically?(g=10ms-2)
Q.17 Define watt. Express kilowatt in terms of joule per second. A 150 kg car engine develops 500 W for each kg. What force does it exert in moving the car at a speed of 20 ms-1?
Q.18 Compare the power at which each of the following is moving upwards against the force of gravity?
(given g = 10 ms -2 )
a) a butterfly of mass 1.0 g that flies upward at a rate of 0.5 ms -1
b)a 250 g squirrel climbing up on a tree at a rate of 0.5 ms-1 .   

Diversity in living organisms
Multiple choice questions
1. Find out incorrect sentence
(a) Protista includes unicellular eukaryotic organisms
(b) Whittaker considered cell structure, mode and source of nutrition for classifying the organisms in five kingdoms
(c) Both Monera and Protista may be autotrophic and heterotrophic
(d) Monerans have well defined nucleus
2. Which among the following has specialised tissue for conduction of water?
(i) Thallophyta
(ii) Bryophyta
(iii) Pteridophyta
(iv) Gymnosperms
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (iii) and (iv)
(d) (i) and (iv)
3. Which among the following produce seeds?
(a) Thallophyta
(b) Bryophyta
(c) Pteridophyta
(d) Gymnosperms
4. Which one is a true fish?
(a) Jellyfish
(b) Starfish
(c) Dogfish
(d) Silverfish
5. Which among the following is exclusively marine?
(a) Porifera
(b) Echinodermata
(c) Mollusca
(d) Pisces
6. Which among the following have open circulatory system?
(i) Arthropoda
(ii) Mollusca
(iii) Annelida
(iv) Coelenterata
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (iii) and (iv)
(c) (i) and (iii)
(d) (ii) and (iv)
7. In which group of animals, coelom is filled with blood?
(a) Arthropoda
(b) Annelida
(c) Nematoda
(d) Echinodermata
8. Elephantiasis is caused by
(a) Wuchereria
(b) Pinworm
(c) Planarians
(d) Liver flukes
9. Which one is the most striking or (common) character of the vertebrates?
(a) Presence of notochord
(b) Presence of triploblastic condition
(c) Presence of gill pouches
(d) Presence of coelom
10. Which among the following have scales?
(i) Amphibians
(ii) Pisces
(iii) Reptiles
(iv) Mammals
(a) (i) and (iii)
(b) (iii) and (iv)
(c) (ii) and (iii)
(d) (i) and (ii)
11. Find out the false statement
(a) Aves are warm blooded, egg laying and have four chambered heart
(b) Aves have feather covered body, fore limbs are modified as wing and breathe through lungs
(c) Most of the mammals are viviparous
(d) Fishes, amphibians and reptiles are oviparouous
12. Pteridophyta does not have
(a) root
(b) stem
(c) flowers
(d) leaves
13. Identify a member of porifera
(a) Spongilla
(b) Euglena
(c) Penicillium
(d) Hydra
14. Which is not an aquatic animal?
(a) Hydra
(b) Jelly fish
(c) Corals
(d) Filaria
15. Amphibians do not have the following
(a) Three chambered heart
(b) Gills or lungs
(c) Scales
(d) Mucus glands
16. Organisms without nucleus and cell organelles belong to
(i) fungi
(ii) protista
(iii) cyano bacteria
(iv) archae bacteria
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (iii) and (iv)
(c) (i) and (iv)
(d) (ii) and (iii)
17. Which of the following is not a criterion for classification of living organisms?
(a) Body design of the organism
(b) Ability to produce one’s own food
(c) Membrane bound nucleus and cell organelles
(d) Height of the plant
18. The feature that is not a characteristic of protochordata?
(a) Presence of notochord
(b) Bilateral symmetry and coelom
(c) Jointed legs
(d) Presence of circulatory system

19. The locomotory organs of Echinodermata are
(a) tube feet
(b) muscular feet
(c) jointed legs
(d) parapodia
20. Corals are
(a) Poriferans attached to some solid support
(b) Cnidarians, that are solitary living
(c) Poriferans present at the sea bed
(d) Cnidarians that live in colonies
21. Who introduced the system of scientific nomenclature of organisms
(a) Robert Whittaker
(b) Carolus Linnaeus
(c) Robert Hooke
(d) Ernst Haeckel
22. Two chambered heart occurs in
(a) crocodiles
(b) fish
(c) aves
(d) amphibians
23. Skeleton is made entirely of cartilage in
(a) Sharks
(b) Tuna
(c) Rohu
(d) None of these
24. One of the following is not an Annelid
(a) Nereis
(b) Earthworm
(c) Leech
(d) Urchins
25. The book Systema Naturae was written by
(a) Linnaeus
(b) Haeckel
(c) Whittaker
(d) Robert Brown
26. Karl Von Linne was involved with which branch of science?
(a) Morphology
(b) Taxonomy
(c) Physiology
(d) Medicine
27. Real organs are absent in
(a) Mollusca
(b) Coelenterata
(c) Arthropoda
(d) Echinodermata
28. Hard calcium carbonate structures are used as skeleton by
(a) Echinodermata
(b) Protochordata
(c) Arthropoda
(d) Nematoda
29. Differentiation in segmental fashion occurs in
(a) Leech
(b) Starfish
(c) Snails
(d) Ascaris
30. In taxonomic hierarchy family comes between
(a) Class and Order
(b) Order and Genus
(c) Genus and Species
(d) Division and Class
31. 5-Kingdom classification has given by
(a) Morgan
(b) R. Whittaker
(c) Linnaeus
(d) Haeckel
32. Well defined nucleus is absent in
(a) blue green algae
(b) diatoms
(c) algae
(d) yeast
33. The ‘Origin of Species’ is written by
(a) Linnaeus
(b) Darwin
(c) Hackel
(d) Whittaker
34. Meena and Hari observed an animal in their garden. Hari called it an insect while Meena said it was an earthworm. Choose the character from the following which confirms that it is an insect.
(a) Bilateral symmetrical body
(b) Body with jointed legs
(c) Cylindrical body
(d) Body with little segmentation

35. Write true (T) or false (F)
(a) Whittaker proposed five kingdom classification.
(b) Monera is divided into Archaebacteria and Eubacteria.
(c) Starting from Class, Species comes before the Genus.
(d) Anabaena belongs to the kingdom Monera.
(e) Blue green algae belongs to the kingdom Protista.
(f) All prokaryotes are classified under Monera.
36. Fill in the blanks
(a) Fungi shows———mode of nutrition.
(b) Cell wall of fungi is made up of ———.
(c) Association between blue green algae and fungi is called as———.
(d) Chemical nature of chitin is ———.
(e) ———has smallest number of organisms with maximum number of similar characters
(f) Plants without well differentiated stem, root and leaf are kept in ———.
(g) ———are called as amphibians of the plant kingdom.
37. You are provided with the seeds of gram, wheat, rice, pumpkin, maize and pea. Classify them whether they are monocot or dicot.
38. Match items of column (A) with items of column (B)
(A)                                       (B)
(a) Naked seed                (A) Angiosperms
(b) Covered seed            (B) Gymnosperms
(c) Flagella                       (C) Bryophytes
(d) Marchantia               (D) Euglena
(e) Marsilea                    (E) Thallophyta
(f) Cladophora               (F) Pteridophyta
(g) Penicillium                (G) Fungi
39. Match items of column (A) with items of column (B)
(A)                                                 (B)
(a) Pore bearing animals          (A) Arthropoda
(b) Diploblastic                          (B) Coelenterata
(c) Metameric segmentation (C) Porifera
(d) Jointed legs                           (D) Echinodermata
(e) Soft bodied animals             (E) Mollusca
(f) Spiny skinned animals (F) Annelida
40. Classify the following organisms based on the absence/presence of truecoelom (i.e., acoelomate, pseudocoelomate and coelomate)

Spongilla, Sea anemone, Planaria, Liver fluke Wuchereria,

                                         SUB :- SCI           STD : IX 

                                    CH :- ATOMS AND MOLECULES 

1.Define polyatomic ion. Give one example.
2.What is formula unit of mass? How is it different from molecular mass?
3.What is Law of conservation of mass and Law of constant proportions?
4.What is an ion? Explain the types of ion with examples.
5.Find the molecular mass of H2O.
6.Define the term valency. What is the valency for magnesium and copper?
7.What is the difference between cation and anion?
8.What is atomicity? What is the atomicity of phosphorus and nitrogen?
9.Find the number of atoms in 0.5 mole of C atom.
10.Find the mass of 1.5 mole of CO2 molecule.
11.Calculate the formula unit mass of NaCl and CaCl2.
12.What is the difference between molecules 2O and O2?
Question 1
State the law of mass conservation.
Law of mass conservation states that
, mass can neither be created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction or a physical transformation.Question 2
What do you understand by the law of constant proportion?
According to the Law of constant proportion, a chemical compound always has its compounding elements in definite proportion by mass, irrespective of the source and the type of chemical reaction.
Question 3.
Who was responsible for coining the term atom?
In modern science, John Dalton widely used it and he can be said to be responsible for coining it, but a more factually correct answer would be a Greek philosopher who goes by the name of Lucretius.
Question 4
What is an atom?
Atom is the smallest particle of matter which can take part in a chemical reaction.
Question 5.
What is a molecule?
A molecule is a group of atoms bonded together which represents the most fundamental unit of a chemical compound capable of taking part in a chemical reaction.
Question 6
What is atomicity?
Atomicity is the number of atoms in a molecule.
Question 7
Define atomic mass unit.
The Atomic mass unit is the sum of the atomic masses of all the atoms in a molecule.
Question 8.
Define ion.
An ion is an atom or a molecule with an electric charge (+ve or -ve), caused by gain or loss of a single or multiple electrons.
Question 9
Provide a difference between cations and anions, along with an example for each.
Cations are positively charged ions, e.g.  Fe
2+ whereas, anions are negatively charged ions, e.g. F
Question 10
Define Avogadro’s constant.
Avogadro’s Constant (6.022 x 10
23) is the number of atoms of an element present in one mole of that element.

Question 11
a)Explain how atoms exist.
(b)What do you understand by atomicity?
(c) Explain polyatomic ions.
(a) Atoms of most elements don’t exist independently they exist as molecules, for molecules are more stable. However, atoms of inert gasses are chemically unreactive and they exist independently. E.g. helium.
(b) Atomicity is the number of atoms in a molecule. E.g. The atomicity of H
2O = 3.
(c) A polyatomic ion is an ion composed of multiple atoms acting as a single charged unit.
Question 12
Explain atomic mass and gram atomic mass. Why does mass have different expressions viz,   ‘u’ and ‘gm’?
Atomic mass is the unit in which the mass of an atom is expressed, where one atomic mass unit is 1/12
ththe mass of a carbon-12 atom.
Gram atomic mass is the atomic mass of an element expressed in grams.
The mass of an atom or a molecule is expressed in ‘u’, whereas, the molar mass is expressed in ‘gm’.
Question 13
Define a mole. Give the importance of the mole
One mole of atoms, molecules, or particles is that amount of the particle(atoms, molecules and ions) whose mass is equal to that particle’s atomic or molecular mass in grams. 1 mole = 6.022 x 1023 particles of that substance.
Importance of a mole: -
  • Atoms and molecules are very small. So, it gets bothersome weighing them in grams and trying to count them. Mole concept, however, allows us to count atoms and molecules by weighing macroscopic amounts of materials.
  • It gives us a universally accepted standard of mass.
  • It provides a standard for reaction stoichiometry.  
Question 14
How many molecules are present in 1 ml of water?
 we know that density of water is 1gm/ml.
Hence, 1 gm water will = 1 ml water.
 Now, we have molecular mass of water H2O = 1x2 + 16 = 18 gm
18 gm of water contain 6.022 x 1023 molecules
1 gm of water will contain = (6.022 x 1023)/18 molecules = 0.33 x 1023 molecules
 So, the no. of molecules of water in 1ml of water = 3.3 x 1022
Question 15.
Calculate the molecular mass of glucose, C 6H12 O6.
Molecular mass of C
6H12 O= (12 x 6) + 12 + (16 x 6)
= 180u.
 Question 16.
2O is the formula for water. What information do you get from this formula?Ans.
  • H2O represents water
  • H2O is a single molecule of water
  • H2O is a single mole of water. Thus, it contains 6.022 x 1023 molecules of water.
  • H2O contains 2 atoms of hydrogen and 1 atom of oxygen.
  • H2O has a molar mass of 18g
Question 17
What is the formula unit mass of CaCl
2 and NaCl.
(Na = 23, Cl=35.5, Ca=40)
Formula Unit Mass of NaCl = 23 + 35.5 = 58.5u
Formula Unit Mass of CaCl
2= 40+(2 x 35.5)= 111u.Question 18
(i) Name the body which approves the nomenclature of elements and compounds.
 (ii) The symbol of sodium is written as Na
and not as S. Give reason.
) Name one element which form diatomic and one which form tetra atomic molecules.Answer
(i) IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry)
(ii) Latin name of sodium is Natrium. The first two letters (Na) of this name represents the symbol of sodium.
 (iii) Oxygen forms diatomic molecules and phosphorus forms tetra atomic molecules.
Question 19
10.0 g CaCO3 on heating gave 4.4 g of CO2 and 5.6 g of CaO. Show that these observations are in agreement with law of conservation of mass.
 Mass of reactants: 10gm
ass of product = 4.4 + 5.6 = 10g
Since Mass of reactants is equal to Mass of products , therefore these observations are in agreement with law of conservation of mass.
Question 20
Why are Dalton's symbol not used in chemistry?
Dalton was the first scientist to use the symbol for the name of the elements a specific sense but it was difficult to memorize and in uses so Dalton's symbol are not used in chemistry
Question 21
What is the difference between 2O, O
2 and O3.Answer
2O represents 2 atoms of oxygen, and it is not possible for it to exist independently.
2 represents an oxygen molecule which has two constituent oxygen atoms.
3 represents a single ozone molecule and it does exist independently.
Question 22
Find out
(1) the mass of a single oxygen atom
(2) the mass of a single oxygen molecule
 (3) the mass of a mole of oxygen gas
(4) the mass of an oxygen ion
(5) the number of atoms in a mole of an oxygen molecule.
(1) Mass of a single oxygen atom
1 mole of oxygen atom = 16gm =6.022 x 10
23 atoms
Therefore, Mass of one oxygen atom = 16/6.022 x 10
23 = 2.65 x 10-23 gm
(2) Mass of a single oxygen atom
1 molecule oxygen = O
=2 x 16 = 32u
(3) Mass of a mole of oxygen gas
1 mole of oxygen = O
= 2 x 16 =32u
(4) Mass of an oxygen ion = mass of an oxygen atom (since electrons have negligible mass)
(5) Number of atoms in a mole of oxygen molecule
We know, 1 mole of oxygen molecule, O
2 = 6.022 x 1023 molecules.
1 molecule of O
2= 2 atoms
Therefore in a mole of O
, there are                       =6.022 x 1023 x 2 atoms
= 1.022 x 10
24 atoms.
Question 23
What is the atomicity of oxygen and phosphorous?
Atomicity of oxygen, O
2= 2 and atomicity of phosphorous, P4= 4.
Question 24
How many moles of SO2 have same mass as 3 moles of oxygen?
mass of 3 moles of oxygen = 3 x 16 = 48g Now, mass of SO2 = 32 + 2 x16 = 64g as 64g of SO2 = 1 mole then 48 g of SO2 = (1/64)x 48 =0.75 mole
  1. Which of the following statements is not true about an atom?
    • (a) Atoms are not able to exist independently
    • (b) Atoms are the basic units from which molecules and ions are formed
    • (c) Atoms are always neutral in nature
    • (d) Atoms aggregate in large numbers to form the matter that we can see, feel or touch
  2. The chemical symbol for nitrogen gas is
    • (a) Ni
    • (b) N2
    • (c) N+
    • (d) N
  3. The chemical symbol for sodium is
    • (a) So
    • (b) Sd
    • (c) NA
    • (d) Na
  4. Which of the following would weigh the highest?
    • (a) 0.2 mole of sucrose (C12H22O11)
    • (b) 2 moles of CO2
    • (c) 2 moles of CaCO3
    • (d) 10 moles of H2O
  5. Which of the following has maximum number of atoms?
    • (a) 18g of H2O
    • (b) 18g of O2
    • (c) 18g of CO2
    • (d) 18g of CH4
  6. Which of the following contains maximum number of molecules?
    • (a) 1g CO2
    • (b) 1g N2
    • (c) 1g H2
    • (d) 1g CH4
  7. Mass of one atom of oxygen is
  8. 3.42 g of sucrose are dissolved in 18g of water in a beaker. The number of oxygen atoms in the solution are
    • (a) 6.68 × 1023
    • (b) 6.09 × 1022
    • (c) 6.022 × 1023
    • (d) 6.022 × 1021
  9. A change in the physical state can be brought about
    • (a) only when energy is given to the system
    • (b) only when energy is taken out from the system
    • (c) when energy is either given to, or taken out from the system
    • (d) without any energy change
Short Answer Type Questions
  1. Which of the following represents a correct chemical formula? Name it.
    • (a) CaCl
    • (b) BiPO4
    • (c) NaSO4
    • (d) NaS
  2. Write the molecular formulae for the following compounds
    • (a) Copper (II) bromide
    • (b) Aluminium (III) nitrate
    • (c) Calcium (II) phosphate
    • (d) Iron (III) sulphide
    • (e) Mercury (II) chloride
    • (f) Magnesium (II) acetate
  3. Write the molecular formulae of all the compounds that can be formed by the combination of following ions
    2+, Na+, Fe3+, C1, SO42-, PO43-
  4. Write the cations and anions present (if any) in the following compounds
    • (a) CH3COONa
    • (b) NaCl
    • (c) H2
    • (d) NH4NO3
  5. Give the formulae of the compounds formed from the following sets of elements
    • (a) Calcium and fluorine
    • (b) Hydrogen and sulphur
    • (c) Nitrogen and hydrogen
    • (d) Carbon and chlorine
    • (e) Sodium and oxygen
    • (f) Carbon and oxygen
  6. Which of the following symbols of elements are incorrect? Give their correct symbols
  7. Give the chemical formulae for the following compounds and compute the ratio by mass of the combining elements in each one of them. (You may use appendix-III).
    • (a) Ammonia
    • (b) Carbon monoxide
    • (c) Hydrogen chloride
    • (d) Aluminium fluoride
    • (e) Magnesium sulphide
  8. State the number of atoms present in each of the following chemical species
    • (a) CO32–
    • (b) PO33–
    • (c) P2O5
    • (d) CO
  9. What is the fraction of the mass of water due to neutrons?
  10. Does the solubility of a substance change with temperature? Explain with the help of an example.
  11. Classify each of the following on the basis of their atomicity.
    • (a) F2
    • (b) NO2
    • (c) N2O
    • (d) C2H6
    • (e) P4
    • (f) H2O2
    • (g) P4O10
    • (H) O3
    • (i) HCl
    • (j) CH4
    • (k) He
    • (l) Ag
  12. You are provided with a fine white coloured powder which is either sugar or salt. How would you identify it without tasting?
  13. Calculate the number of moles of magnesium present in a magnesium ribbon weighing 12 g. Molar atomic mass of magnesium is 24g mol–1.